Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week 5. 2nd article for my paper!

This week I found another article dealing with the same subject of the previous weeks article, "dont ask, dont tell" policy.  My original articles web address is  and is from the New York Times.  My second articles web address is  and is from Fox News.  Stereotypically, TNYT's are very liberal in their writing and opinions and Fox is stereotypically conservative.  This weeks article deals with some aftermath of DADT not even making the floor of the Senate.  Apparently, a California judge is trying to get the DADT policy banned nation wide.  But, being only a federal judge, she would be "overstepping her bounds if she tried to stop it in its tracks".  So this puts the White House "in the uncomfortable position of defending a policy President Obama has said he wants repealed."  Many cases are being seen throughout the U.S. about DADT and its policy.  I personally think that DADT should be repealed and removed from all military actions and rules.  I agree with Federal Judge Phillips that "the policy doesn't help military readiness and instead has a 'direct and deleterious effect' on the armed services by hurting recruiting during wartime and requiring the discharge of service members with critical skills and training."  Even though the article does explain that this will not get in the way of the Presidents fight to remove this policy, it does make you feel as if the President has no choice but to defend it right now; and that the policy will be even harder to get removed.  What do you think...?

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