Friday, September 10, 2010

Secret Tape Has Police Pressing Ticket Quotas week #2

This article was about a secret recording made in a police department in Brooklyn.  The recording gives evidence that quotas exist in the Police Departments, dealing with tickets and traffic stops.  The tape was recorded back in April and a Police Captain was heard giving orders to his commanders.  The orders were to have the officers write more summonses per week and that an officer that works every day must be writing 20 summonses per week.  Threats were even made saying that the Captain was not afraid to fire people if they did not follow orders.  Even a few years ago, an patrol officer made a recordings accusing supervisors of manipulating crime statitics and ticket quotas.  Officers have been getting threatened with their jobs if they don't take more of an action to write more tickets and increase activity.  I personally think quotas do exist.  With all this obvious evidence with voice recordings and officers getting accused, its obvious they exist.  I don't think they should exist, cause it just puts a load onto an officer to write more tickets or lose their jobs.  I don't think we need quotas, we should just have honest officers that aren't forced to write more tickets.  It just means we have to be even more careful when we are driving and how we park our cars cause they can get us for that too.


  1. I agree with you. Officers should not be specifically looking for reasons to write people tickets. I'm sure there are quotas also. That's why people say more cops are out at the end of the month so that they can meet their quotas. I have never gotten a ticket and I would really like to keep it that way.

  2. I agree I believe that quotas exist, I have always thought this. It makes sense as to why some officers might give you a speeding ticket for going 5 miles over, I think that officers shouldn't be forced to meet a certain amount of tickets a week or else they lose their job. The system is messed up.
