Friday, September 17, 2010

A week in review

This week in class we had some very interesting discussions.  Going back to Monday, we talked about the Mosque that is being build a block away from ground zero.  Many people in the class had very interesting things to say and a wide variety of opinions.  I personally think that it is nice that we can, as a class, get into a discussion that has to do with ethnisity and religion without anyone taking anything personally or getting hurt.  To know that we are all different with our opinions shows our diversity as a class.  I was fortunate enough to be able to share my opinion a little.  A good discussion takes time and we were lucky enough to have the entire class time to discuss our feelings on the mosque in New York and even the one from Kentucky.  Looking at Wednesday, we discussed and compared two very different presidents speeches.  The speeches were given about the same topics so it was pretty simple to compare the type of speech used and who the audiences were.  It was really interesting to watch the Daily Show clip showing how Obama and Bush do sound alike, or use the same types of words to dipict the same meaning.  Comparing Republicans and Democrats is also interesting to do because they definitly have different opinions on the same topic, like war, as we've seen.  The class also exhibited diversity with politics as well which was a nice thing to see.  After comparing the way they speak and their opinions, I really feel as though Obama has more on his plate and more to worry about; his goals are very different.  All in all, I felt that this week was a very progressive week full of discussion and knowledge.

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