Thursday, October 7, 2010

week 6 post, bill clinton apprechiated by the G.O.P.

The article I read this week talks about how former President Bill Clinton has recently been talked about by Republicans in a very positive fashion.  Many Republicans are stepping up to comment on how they miss the Clinton years and how Clinton was a much better President than the one we have right now.  Personally, I don't see what Obama could be doing that is so wrong or bad, but Clinton was seen as a better President.  Some Republicans think that Obama should study up on his Clinton years and how Clinton acted and became so well liked.  This is mainly because the Republicans might just take over the House come next election, and Bill Clinton got along with the Republican party and was able to get things done.  I personally hope that his wife, Hillary (who should be President right now!), listens to him and takes advice from him, not that she needs it though.  Many things are being blamed on Obama, but I also feel that he took office at a horrible time in our country and economy and he couldnt help it at all.  Now, things arent getting as better as they could be, but I feel that Obama is at least doing the best that he can and making some progress.

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