Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crime Blotter Has a Regular: Yankees Caps week 3

This week I saw an article with an interesting title (same title as this blog).  The article is about the statistics of robbers and criminals wearing Yankee hats and other Yankee clothing.  Criminologists and Police Departments have conducted studies and made theories as to why Yankee hats are the most popular.  The Yankees are obviously the most famous baseball team when it comes to selling merchandise, they rule the MLB with that.  The article explains that, "since 2000, more than 100 people who have been suspects or persons of interest in connection with serious crimes in New York City wore Yankees apparel at the time of the crimes or at the time of their arrest or arraignment."  Some New Yorkers feel that the criminals give the rest of the world the wrong image of other non-criminals.  Since the criminals wear Yankee apparel, it looks as if all New Yorkers are criminals and that New York is a rough/bad place to be.  One criminologist went as far as saying that this trend is due to the "Jay-Z effect".  When I read that, I had a crazy reaction.  Jay-Z is known for showing off his Yankee apparel and actually making it more popular than an actual Yankee can.  So, apparently the study has shown that some criminals don't wear the hat because they are fans of the team, but because they are fans of Jay-Z and the way he wears and shows it off.  I honestly didn't know what to think about that because it seems kind of crazy, but at the same time it might be true.  Even outside of New York, criminals all over the place are wearing Yankee apparel.  The man who robbed 72 banks between the 1980's and 90's had a signature look...a Yankees hat; thus nicknamed, the Yankee bandit.  There must have been something important to him about the hat or something symbolic or else I'm not sure why he'd wear it every time.  Personally I think its all a little crazy, but when actually looking at the statistics, proof exists that criminals enjoy wearing Yankee apparel the most.  But, it could just be coincidence since the Yankee organization sells the most merchandise out of all MLB teams...what do you think?

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