Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hostages Safe as Police Shoot Maryland Gunman, as seen in The New York Times

A man, named James Lee, decided to take manners into his own hands when he became upset with the programming on the discovery channel.  His way to do this was to go to headquarters with a gun and explosives and take a few hostages.  After being negotiaged with for a while, the officers eventually shot and killed him, rescuing all of the hostages.  Not surprisingly, this was not his first offense.  In 2008, Lee was arrested for disorderly conduct outside of the building for protesting.  It was said that he paid off homeless people to join his protest, even paying someone up to $1,000.  Lee was against discovery airing shows about war and said the channel promoted overpopulation.  He wanted shows about finding solutions for global warming and promoting sterilization.  A few of the workers for the company were interviewed about their experiences.  Everyone ended up being safe, especially the children from the day care. 


  1. How many hostiges specifically did he take? This makes me want to look up James Lee on facebook, I bet he was a real creep.
    While i agree with James that it would be nice to have shows promoting global warming solutions, but taking hostiges is (obviously) never the answer. Silly boy, his mother should have taught him that people don't get rewarded for throwing hissy fits.

  2. I'm all for promoting global warming solutions and helping the environment, but what he did was just wrong. I'm glad all the hostages got out safe.

  3. An interesting question to me is this: what about our society makes people think that violence is the way to get attention?
    It is a civil right to gather in public places and protest, for instance, but people who loot and destroy property give protesters a bad name. People like James Lee (and if anyone is old enough to remember the Unibomber) feel passionately about environmental and global issues, but can't find any other forum to air their objections, and turn to violence. It is terrible when anyone turns to terrorism to make a point.
