Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Important vote taking place in Congress Today!! (week 4 article)

President Obama is going to be taking a step in a good direction today when he tries to fulfil something he promised to the gay community of America.  He will attempt to get the "dont ask, dont tell" policy banned from the military today, a campaign promise made years ago.  The only problem is that the Senate is full of Republicans, and they plan to stake a full on fillabuster.  If the Democrats can't get 60 people to end the fillabuster, this policy might not get banned until next year.  Unfortunately, "members of a key White House constituency fear that next year’s Congress will be less sympathetic to a repeal of the 17-year-old ban."  So, this could be a big blow to the gay community if this policy does not get banned as promised it would be.  Many senators and representatives have been stepping up either to support the legislation or be against it.  Even Lady Gaga went to Maine and gave a speech urging the legislation to be passed.  The vote is scheduled for sometime around 2:15 today...I guess we can only wait and see.

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