Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New football regulations?

During this week, the NFL has decided that they were going to start seriously fineing players for hard hits or helment to helment hits.  My article talks about 3 players that are getting seriously fined for their hard hits.  The 3 most major fines have been one at $75,000 and 2 at $50,000.  It is all causing much reaction within the N.F.L. and even with fans from around the country.  Some coaches have called the N.F.L. inconsistant since they have failed to suspend anyone so far, and said they talk more than take action.  The administration is going to have to take a bigger stand against helment to helment hits since most players think of fines as part of business; so, simply fineing someone won't be effective.  The N.F.L. is going to have to resort right to automatic suspensions even for first time offenders.  I personally think that its a crazy new regulation for football as we know it.  I think that players just need to learn how to tackle correctly and even officiators need to learn more about what a foul is and what is not.  What defines a hard hit or an illegal hit?  These and more questions need to be answered so the officiators have an in depth knowledge of what is not allowed.  It's football for damn sake, hard hits are going to happen.  How else are you going to get a huge linebacker down?  I understand the safety issues and how it looks nice to take a stand for better safety, but the game can't change too much or soon too many kinds of hits or tackles will be illegal.


  1. I'm sorry that i have to do this, but just an FYI a linebackers are on defense, the ones who do the hitting. I understand that you feel a certain way on this issue but it seems to me that you haven't done your research. Don't be upset, i just feel like if your going to talk about football, please understand the sport.

    Now as for your position, i can agree with you. There are things that need to be done and proper officiating is one. The problem is, there is literally a fine line in the target you have when you tackle. There was a video sent out to all the teams in the league on what is appropriate, and that is what needed to be done. I understand its football, but players are getting bigger and stronger so its harder to prevent injuries.

  2. I appologize for my type-o. That was not how my sentence was meant to be worded by the way. It was supposed to say, "how else are linebackers supposed to tackle a running back." I do understand the sport, and once again do appologize for my type-o. I have not done much research, but I am going off of what the article says maybe you should read it; OR watch sports center, because they were talking about it and had said that hard hits need to be defined more and officiators need to know when to make a certain call or not. Argue with sports center, not me. Thanks!
