Friday, October 29, 2010

assignment 3 topic choice

So today in class we had some very interesting conversations.  I really enojoy how we can have a safe, friendly environment for everyone to speak their mind on any topic that we talk about.  At the end of a discussion, I was prompted to look up what the word "panopticon" meant.  As I read the definition out loud in class we further discussed it and how it relates to us as students and human beings.  After class, I was given the name of an author and a book that has a chapter on panopticon in it.  I find the idea of panopticon very interesting and, thus, I am going to chose that as my topic for our 3rd paper in this class.  How it affects us, where it came from, why people beleive in it and even how it relates to "1984".  I think this will be a very interesting paper.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're right on, Jesse, and I think Elliot half did my job for me by giving you Foucault and the Panopticon :o) See how far you get with that idea, and if you have problems, email me or drop by in office hours, and I'll help you sort it out.
