Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1984 book 1 thoughts

After reading the first book in 1984, I feel that it was overall a very good introduction to everything going on and the characters and their lives.  I thought that the first 3 chapters were kind of confuzing, but as I read on through our assignments, I was able to retain the information better.  I do feel that talking about what happend in the story so far really helps the flow as well.  I personally think that the life that Winston lives is a good one but full of paranoia and fear.  He is a definite Party member, but still doesn't know everything since most things are kept a secret.  I wouldnt want to live in their world.  I enjoy learning about the way Winston and other characters live.  Finding out new rules as we read keeps the book a little interesting and not just one boring line.  I think book 1 had a good ending that kept us thinking about what was to come next.  I hope that a revolution does take place at some point, just to see what the government does about it. 

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